A WIPO "Ask the expert chat" with Véronique Blum


On May 18 2022, AMAVI President, Prof. Véronique Blum, participated in an Ask the expert session organized by WIPO, entitled “IP valuation – How to capture uncertainty

Véronique exposed the three possible ways to capture uncertainty in a Discounted Cash Flow approach to valuation : i) by post-adjusting the cash flows  ii) by adjusting the discount rate and iii) by recognizing the existing uncertainty in the hypothesis and inputs. Pros and cons of each method were discussed and a real case illustrated how all these approaches can be mobilized to value some IP contribution.

In Ask the Expert chats, the eTISC community discuses IP issues with leading academic and private sector professionals. The chat archives are open to eTISC members only. (WIPO eTISC is a social platform for the Technology and Innovation Support Centre.)

You can join eTISC for free. This will allow you to attend the webinar and to keep the discussion going a week after the webinar thanks to the eTISC forum.