A WIPO "Ask the expert chat" with AMAVI's André Gorius


On April 24 2022, Dr. André Gorius (AMAVI Treasurer) participated in an Ask the expert session organized by WIPO, entitled “The Importance and Hurdles of Business-Related IP Valuation“.

André exposed the many reasons why one needs to value intangibles. He pointed out that understanding the valuation context is a condition to identify which valuation method is applicable. A discussion on the valuation inputs’ impacts next underlined the fact that valuation is not a science and that one has to live with uncertainty.

In Ask the Expert chats, the eTISC community discusses IP issues with leading academic and private sector professionals. The chat archives are open to eTISC members only. (WIPO eTISC is a social platform for the Technology and Innovation Support Centre.)

You can join eTISC for free. This will allow you to attend the webinar and to keep the discussion going a week after the webinar thanks to the eTISC forum.